‘Fundamentals’. Lecture at the University of Virginia School of Architecture abroad program, Barcelona.
‘Place’. Conference in 2023 Dayeh University School of Architecture and Interior Design Spain & Portugal internship programme. Tawian.
‘From ideas to things. Rooting, dialoguing, disappearing’. Lecture at the Milano School of Architecture. Italia.
‘Trasparire’. Lecture at the Cagliari School of Architecture. Sardinia, Italy.
‘Con-vivir’. Lecture at the Master in Advanced Architectural Projects at the Madrid School of Architecture. ETSAM (UPM).
‘Sediments’. Presentation of the NUA arquitectures Monography, published by Bisman, at the School of Architecture of Reus-URV, and at the College of Architects of Catalonia.
‘Transparències’. Lecture at the Piran Days of Architecture Congress. Piran, Slovenia.
‘3 estratègies per Tarragona’. Conference and round table at the opening day of the participatory process of the new Tarragona General Plan. Tarragona Conference Centre.
‘Architecture now’. Participation in the round table with Burr Studio and CRÜ. Moderated by Núria Moliner. Roca Gallery. Barcelona.
‘Enllaços’. Lecture at the Valencia School of Architecture. ETSAV (UPV).
‘El joc d’habitar’. Lecture at the Institut d’Estudis Vallencs. Valls.
‘Engranajes Temporales’. Conference at the XXI International Conference on Intervention in Historical Heritage. COAR La Rioja.
‘La ciutat de les dones’. Lecture at Reading Centre of Reus, Tarragona.
‘Coses que vaig aprendre del Moises Gallego i del Joan Arias’. Lecture at Barcelona School of Architecture, ETSAB (UPC).
‘Conviure’. Lecture at the II GRETA Architecture and Tradition Conference. COAC Girona. Banyoles.
‘Scenari in Gioco’. Lecture at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. Pavilion of Italy. Livorno.
‘Maneres d’habitar’. Lecture at the ‘Housing and City’ course at Barcelona School of Architecture. ETSAB (UPC).
‘Collegare Tempi’. Lecture at School of Architecture of Cagliari. Sardinia. Italy.
Human scale ‘In corpore sano’.Interview with RTVE. 31.03.2020.
JIDA. Lecture at the JIDA Congress ‘Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura’.
ISUF. Conference at the ISUF Congress ‘International Seminar on Urban Form’.
‘Habitar en un collage’. Lecture at Donosti School of Architecture.
‘5 històries en 3 actes’. Conference for C of Confinement.
‘Diàlegs’. Conference at College of Architects of Menorca.
‘Converses’. Conference at College of Architects of Ibiza.
‘Tangències’. Conference at College of Architects of Olot.
‘Jujol: Animar les pedres i posar vida’. Round table at the International Conference on the architect Josep Maria Jujol, Sant Joan Despí. (UIC and Sant Joan Despí City Council)
‘Memòries’. Conference at College of Architects of Mallorca.
‘Dissenyar l’espai’. Lecture at University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, ELISAVA.
‘Aire, Llum i Matèria’. Lecture at Barcelona School of Architecture, ETSAB (UPC).
‘Transitant per la memòria’. Conference at College of Architects of Lleida.
‘Caminant entre l’espai i el temps’. Lecture at Barcelona School of Architecture. ETSAB (UPC).
‘3×3’. Lecture at Official College of Architects Vasco-Navarro Bizcaya, Bilbao.
‘Per un urbanisme social i sostenible’. Participation in the round table at Magatzem Theatre
‘Arquia/Pròxima’. Presentation of the projects Gon-GAR Workshops and Façade of the Trinity Church at the VI Foro Arquia/Pròxima, as one of the 24 selected from the VI Programme of Arquia Foundation, Madrid.
‘Peça’. Participation in the ‘ANADA/TORNADA: Trajectes, Converses, Arquitectura’ series of talks, organized by AxA. With Alea-Olea, SMS architectures. Trespa Design Center. Moderator: Ariadna Perich. Commissioner: Omar Ornaque.
‘Entre Líneas’. Lecture at Official College of Architects of La Rioja, Cultural Foundation of Architects of La Rioja.
‘Interaccions’. Lecture at Reus School of Architecture.
‘Intervenciones en edificios existentes’. Closing conference of the Architecture Week of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Lanzarote. Municipal Library of Teguise.
‘Dinàmiques col·lectives’. Participation in the debate ‘Repensar la ciutat’, II Conversations in Camp de Tarragona. Reading Center, Reus.
‘Context i materials: ús i re-ús’. Participation in the debate with Archikubik, Anna and Eugeni Bach and Flores i Prats. Arts Centre Santa Mònica, Barcelona.
‘Dones que construeixen’. Participation in the debate organized by the collective Les Teixidores. With Pilar Carbassa. Reus.
‘Instagram, arquitectura i ceràmica’. Participation in the round table with Òscar Dalmau, Nicanor García and Eduardo Mur, within the framework of the exhibition ‘D’OBRA. Ceràmica aplicada a l’arquitectura’, curated by Pedro Azara. Design Museum of Barcelona.
‘En plural’. Presentation of the Center for the Food Distribution Service at the 8th session of the Sacre Heritage Seminar of the Joan Maragall Foundation in Barcelona.
Master Plan of the Circus Space of Tarraco. Presentation of the Plan at the III International Congress of Archaeology and Ancient World at Centre Tarraconense. Seminary of Tarragona.
‘Dimensió desconeguda’. Lecture to the 4th year students of the Reus School of Architecture of the Rovira i Virgili University.
‘Arquia/pròxima’. Presentation of the ‘SDA’ project at the V Arquia/Pròxima Forum, as one of the 24 selected from the V Programme of Arquia Foundation, Malaga.
Archmaraton. Presentation of the project of the Centre for the Food Distribution Service at the International Architecture Congress “Archmaraton”, as part of the presentation of the project ‘Aftermath’, Architecture beyond architects, Catalan pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016. Milan, Italy.
‘Converses amb joves arquitectes’. Conference to the delegation of Bages-Berguedà of the COAC. Manresa.
Vermouth on site. Presentation and guided tour of the Center for Food Distribution Service in Campclar, Tarragona. Vermouth of work organized by COAC Tarragona as a project awarded with the Alejandro de la Sota Award at the IX Tarragona Architecture Exhibition.
‘Mida i escala’. Lecture to the 4th year students of the Reus School of Architecture of the Rovira i Virgili University.
‘Biennal Alejandro de la Sota’. Conference awarded works at the IX Tarragona Architecture Exhibition. COAC Tarragona.
‘Continuïtats’. Closing lecture at La Salle Tarragona School of Architecture.
‘Materialitat’. Participation in the series of talks ‘ENTRE L’AVUI I ARA, Arquitectes en trànsit’, organized by AxA. With Ted’A, LAGULA and Jordi Adell and H architects. Moderator: Jaume Prat.
‘Diàlegs’. Participation in the Pechakucha Global Night vol.3 Tarragona. Design in your city.
‘Conviure’. Presentation of the finalist project in the Solvia Award for innovation in housing design. International competition called by Solvia – Banc Sabadell. 2014 at COAM, Madrid.
‘Superpositions’. Lecture in the autumn lecture series of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University.
Vermouth on site. Presentation and guided tour of the Pau and Rocio’s House in Botarell, Baix Camp, on the occasion of the vermouth of work organized by the demarcation of Tarragona of the College of Architects of Catalonia as a project awarded in the category of Single-family Housing of the VIII Exhibition of Architecture of the Camp de Tarragona.